The weather in Florida is starting to change. Our 2-weeks of winter and cold weather is hopefully over. We're looking at 70's and 80's over the next two weeks here!
That means it's time for my annual 7 days of walking post. This is the best time to get out, walk and enjoy the weather.
Walking may be one of the best ways to drop pounds, clear your mind, and get some fresh air. Here's a 7-day schedule that anyone can commit too. Regarding weight loss, I've seen people drop 100's of pounds by just committing to walking, eating vegetables at every meal, and not letting anything touch on their plate.
There are so many benefits to walking; it's a shame that more people don't take advantage of the easiest "exercise" you can do. Beyond the health benefits, it improves your mood, makes other goals seem more attainable, and gets the creative juices flowing.
Why do you think people like Steve Jobs, Beethoven, Aristotle, Einstein, Charles Dickens, and Fredrick Nietzsche all took long walks. The all said it calmed their minds while improving their ability to think!
No matter if you are in a training program or not, add some walking to your routine. Not only will it help with fat loss, but you'll have less stress, and be able to think with a clearer mind.
Monday: 1 to 3 Mile Walk Before Dinner
Tuesday: 10 Minute brisk walk after lunch or dinner, add 5 Minutes of planks, push ups, stretching (any time frame and any style) when you're done.
Wednesday: 5-minute warm-up walk, jog 100 paces, then walk for 2 minutes, then jog for 100 paces. Repeat four times then finish with a 5-minute walk.
Thursday: 10-Minute walk after lunch, 10 minute walk after dinner
Friday: Eat at your favorite restaurant. Park far away. Order something that makes you happy. Have a glass of wine followed by a glass of water.
Saturday: 60 minutes of walking. 10 minutes regular pace, 10 minutes fast pace
Sunday: Walk somewhere with your family, a friend or someone you love. Talk about your blessings, your goals, and all things positive.