“If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
This post reminds all those kids who are called too slow, too small, too weak, too soft to achieve their goals. Or those who have just arrived late to the game. It's about embracing rejection, putting a chip on your shoulder, and going to work.
When difficulties or unexpected change arrives, our initial response is to look for the easiest solution.
It's human nature to choose the path of least resistance. It's the attempt to regain a place of comfort.
The best thing that can happen when thinking like this is rejection. Rejection hurts. But what you will learn in overcoming is what changes your life.
It reminds me of growing up on the mean streets of Colorado and playing lots of outdoor basketball. I was always one of the smallest kids. I didn't hit 6 feet until I was in college and I quickly learned taller, stronger kids had the advantage in this sport.
As a small and skinny kid, I felt like I had two options: learn to shoot from really far away, drive in the lane and pass, or else get my shot blocked into someone else's yard.
In taking this path of least resistance, this is what I did. The results were I didn't grow as a player and limited myself.
It all changed when I decided I wanted an opportunity to keep playing after high school. I set up a meeting with the college coach, and in our 2-minute meeting, he told me I was too small, he'd never heard of me, and laughed at me out the door. I walked out disappointed but more motivated than I'd ever been.
My assistant high school coach told me that if I wanted any chance, I had to get my shot off faster and get stronger. I made three focused decisions. 1) I was going to work tirelessly to figure out how to get my shot off, whenever I wanted to, against anyone, at any time. 2) I was going to strengthen my body to the point that I was doing the punishing. When I took it to the basket, I wanted my defenders to take the worst part. 3) I was going to be the aggressor. I was going to dunk on you if I could, but defense would be my calling card.
My focus helped me become good enough to where I was asked to walk on my college basketball team by the team's players the following year.
It wasn't the path of least resistance. I got rejected a lot. I was told to give it up and told I was crazy to think I could play in college. It took a concentrated effort of thousands of hours in the gym, the weight room, and playing with people much better than me.
When I made the team, the first thing I did was thank the coach for telling me that I was too small and unknown to play for him.
Rejection is a great thing.
It will help you focus and concentrate on exactly what you need to do. It enables you to realize that nothing in this world can be taken for granted and that you must work and fight for what you want.
It forces you out of your comfort zone. Not only that, but it motivates you to prove yourself and your abilities and brings out your competitiveness.
As one door is slammed in your face, it opens opportunities for much more. It gives you a chance to sharpen your focus and prove yourself and others wrong.